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Polar Mobile, a mobile publishing service provider, is now launching the CNNMoney Mobile application, with content from CNNMoney, a trusted source for finance and business news.

CNNMoney claims to be one of the top mobile Web sites for finance and business and has now taken the step towards mobile applications with the implementation of CNNMoney Mobile. The application will leverage Polar's SMART content and advertising platform which gives publishers, brands and advertisers what they need to execute, measure and monetize digital media across all major mobile devices.

"The strategy behind this application launch was to build on the success that has enjoyed through their highly trafficked WAP site by launching smart phone apps," said Kunal Gupta, CEO at Polar Mobile, Toronto, Canada.

"The goal of the app is to leverage a combination of media types on the phone," he said. "In the application users can find headlines, market data, a personalized stock watch list and video."

Polar Mobile was founded in 2007 in Waterloo, Canada, neighbors to BlackBerry's world headquarters.

Polar now has offices in Toronto and New York, with a team of 25 people and growing.

Time Inc has partnered with Polar to launch smartphone apps for several brands, such as TIME and Sports Illustrated.

The CNNMoney Mobile application is being launched in the Apple App Store, available for download by iPhone and iPod touch users.

Breaking news alerts, top headlines, video and near real-time market and stock data are all featured in the application.

"This application targets the business professional on the go by providing a one-stop destination for news, market data, quotes and video," Mr. Gupta said.

"The ability to personalize the application based on the content you want to read and the stocks you want to track provides a customized experience for the individual," he said.

CNNMoney Mobile features the user-initiated ability to customize all content such as news sections and a stock watch list which makes it a strong utility app for business professionals.

Polar Mobile has reported that there is an ad campaign was set to deploy yesterday; however further information could not be disclosed.

By giving traditional media brands the ability to syndicate content, advertising and track analytics, Polar Mobile's SMART Platform gives them a broader reach to extend content to smartphone users.

The CNNMoney Mobile application is free to download.

Polar Mobile claims that the application is being primarily monetized via display banner advertising and sponsorships by the publisher.

"The promotion for the app leverages a combination of existing touch-points with consumers, such as print, online and WAP," Mr. Gupta said.

The CNNMoney Mobile application can be found in the App Store by searching

There are also reports that CNNMoney Mobile will soon be available for BlackBerry users.

"Smart phone penetration continues to grow and the users who carry these devices are becoming more important for publishers and marketers," Mr. Gupta said.