Majority of online video views will soon occur on mobile: report
As storytelling pulls in mobile video viewers, more and more users are following through video ads until completion, with 79 percent of ads viewed in their entirety, according to a new report from Ooyala.
Mobile advertising video views are gaining momentum with consumers, securing mobile video ads place as an effective modem of engagement. It has become increasingly clear that consumers are drawn to video, especially in the mobile space and it is now an essential tactic in attracting them.
"Today mobile viewing accounts for 42 percent of all online viewing, growing more than 367 percent over two years," said Jim O'Neill, principal analyst at Ooyala. "Smartphones outpace tablet views 4-to-1, indicative that as screen sizes grow and Wifi becomes more accessible viewers are more apt to watch on mobile devices.
"At this rate, we predict 50 percent of all online viewing will occur on mobile as the third quarter of this year, if not sooner," he said. "Publishers, broadcasters and service providers should view this as a critical juncture, the point where a majority, rather than a plurality of online video views occur on mobile devices."
Changing habits
Consumer behavior is evolving with technology, but one thing that has been a consistent staple is the effectiveness of video. Mobile video is now an evident method in connecting to consumers and keeping their attention.
More than just ad viewing completion on the rise, mobile video views in general are increasing. Mobile views of video have risen up 367 percent in two years.
Broadcasters seem to be engaging consumers more through mobile video than publishers. Broadcasters have seen 53 percent of views through mobile compared to 31 percent for publishers and even brands.
Publishers are also seeing less completion rates compared to broadcasters with 79 percent completion rates on mobile for broadcasters, but only 71 percent for publishers.
Recommended and personalized content makes up for half of consumers viewing, especially when it comes to broadcasters.
This research shows that it is imperative for marketers to get involved with video advertising for mobile. Mobile offers a more personal and intimate viewing experience for users.
Snackable and narrative content pulls consumers in even further through mobile, as this is what viewers are most interested in.
Mobile video importance
Many brands, publishers and broadcasters are taking to mobile video to entice and draw in consumers.
For instance, Old Spice, known for its offbeat mobile video, leveraged an interactive game on both the mobile Web and YouTube with the appeal of pitchman Terry Crews ? and his muscles, in particular ? to support its body washes and body sprays (see more).
Also, Heineken?s Tecate Light beer brand was an early adopter of YouTube?s Playlist Cards, enabling the brand to tell a story in episodes while giving viewers the ability to watch the series all at once or in installments (see more).
"Some operators have taken tactical steps to address the broad consumer trends that are growing mobile video like pushing more content over the top, creating better user interfaces and improving mobile monetization," Mr. O'Neill said. "But with many providers still waiting on the sidelines of the OTT game, it is become increasingly obvious that in large part, the industry is lagging in execution of mobile initiatives.
"As our data shows, the audience is clearly ready and waiting for more," he said. "Any long-term plan should address quality of delivery, service and user experience, improved and expanded search and discovery and universal monetization strategies."
Final take
Brielle Jaekel is editorial assistant at Mobile Marketer