Dive summary:
- Increasingly e-retailers are turning away from glossy, print catalog-inspired model photos and using photos from regular people who have hashtagged their products.
- A new Curalate platform called Fanreel is in beta test with brands like Urban Outfitters, Rebecca Minkoff, Under Armour, Beauty.com and Dessy.com, helping them manage hashtagged photos from social media and post them on their sites.
- Once a user signs off on the photo, a brand can link it to its e-commerce website; Dessy.com has seen a 30% engagement increase in their web gallery over the last few weeks as a resultt.
From the article:
"Fanreel also offers analytics that intrigue Gregonis, whose brand counts 912,000 Instagram followers. 'With all we are doing on Instagram, we sometimes wonder what we’re getting back,' she explained. 'For the first time, we can collect metrics that show people hashtagging photos of this product or that product.'”